Friday, December 30, 2011

Haakon's new skis

Christmas Eve at our house

after dinner and santa coming to the Lillefjell's. Just one more present before they go to bed.

Anders getting his present

Giving out presents

Waiting for santa to give out presents

Talking to the barn santa

Looking for the barn santa

Tom the cat

Anders and Frode

Frode and Shawn

picture taken by Haakon

Ready for Christmas Eve dinner

at farmor and farfar's house

Anders playing with hsi new toy

Haakon's present

Marius opening his first present

Christmas Eve morning

Anders opens his first present

Beginning of the birthday fest

We had a joint the birthday party with Marius's friend, William who has his birthday a day before Mar. They invited their whole class to the party.

H-man having some warm saft

Another famous Haakon pic

Haakon the fire monster

He loves this picture BTW

Anders hiding

He was ticked because it wasn't his bday and Marius got all of the attention. It is pitch dark where he is sitting

Marius is so happy


Getting the candles ready on the cake

Roasting hotdogs for the kids

Marius bday party

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Everyone working on the tree

Decorating the tree

The tree

Picking out the 2011 Christmas tree

Anders playing the drums

Rockin out on the drive

Going on a ski trip to find snow

Hard to get a good pic of Anders

Anders and his cake

Anders, Haakon and Tom

Anders 4th birthday

Here is a scary group

Getting ready for our Halloween fest

Haakon & Marius

Anders hanging out

Our new picnic table

Marius painting

Haakon painting


Siding finish - more to do inside


Here's a little helper


House project