Sunday, January 9, 2011

Anders new sled

As always the box is very exciting

More packages

Fjøsnisse på besøk

Please can I open it???

A very large present to Anders

wow - did Anders have trouble with not opening that right away.

Christmas Eve dinner

Getting ready for dinner on Christmas Eve

Opening the first gift at Christmas

They just couldn't stand to wait until the evening on Christmas Eve.

Taking a break

We had pizza for Marius bday dinner. Frode and Anders were wiped out.

blowing out the candles

Cake on Marius' bday

Marius giraffe sweater

I completed just in time for him to use it this winter. I should have finished it last year.

All done decorating the tree

Anders with the snowmen

Marius with our star

Anders helping with decorations

Decorating the tree

Marius and William

Marius and William had a birthday party together. William was born the day before Marius. We had a treasure hunt, sledding and snowmachine rides.

Map for Marius bday treasure hunt

Haakon drew the map for the treasure hunt for Marius and William's bday party

Anders with Christmas decorations

He later broke the snowman. So gentle.

Barnehage Christmas party

Marius school Christmas play

Haakon's Christmas Play

Anders and Marius