Sunday, May 2, 2010

Marius skiing

Haakon jumping

Svein Anders and Marius jumping

Marius out for a ski

Sigurd, Nikolas and Haakon skijumping

Haakon jumping


now you can see his three little broken off teeth

Haakon after ski jump


Anders eating an Easter hotdog

Marius eating a hotdog

Frode and Marius at the cabin

Easter at the cabin

More of the play

Haakon's play

Haakon's school play

Anders in the kitchen


Easter - Haakon på ski

Mom and Aunt Libby

Libby's horses

Shawn at the top

Gerald at the top

Hiking with Gerald in Friday Harbor

Friday Harbor

Whistler after the US - Canada hockey game

The girls in the bobsled

Whistler Village

Spirited Norwegian guy at OL

Joey and I at Whistler

New train in Vancouver



Vancouver sightseeing

Olympics torch

Marit B for the win


Marilyn, Nicole and me at xcountry races

xcountry races

Go Holly sign


Olympics heading up to bobsled

xcountry races at Olympics

Shawn at the Olympics

Anders eating the microphone