Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Haakon's cheetah

This was made while I was in AK

The harmless masked baby

Wrestling just before an accident

Frode was taken out by Anders with a plastic chair to the head just moments later. He is mean sometimes.

Wrestling match

Anders getting ready to go in bike trailer

Getting ready for a bike trip

Anders being camera shy

Haakon helping me trim up some areas

He was pretty excited to be able to use the clippers now that he is six.

More flowers behind the house

Flowers behind the house

Tulips in the yard

These were on their way out, but thought that I would get a pic of spring.


More parade

Last pic with Haakon as he thought that the parade was a bit boring.

In the parade

Here are the boys. Anders and I are the photographers.

Haakon the monkey

This was part of his process to get psyched up to go in the parade.


I am not sure if Marius is being patriotic or just plain loud here.

17th of Mai celebration

Here are the boys getting ready to walk in the parade. A sweet treat is a must prior to this event.