Sunday, April 12, 2009

Anders, a little skeptical

He had a rough ride up to the cabin in the ski pulk and he knows that we have to ski back. Poor guy

The boys playing hide and seek

I think that Sigur is it.

Marius and farfar

Marius eating a hotdog

I think that the kids will have to go to detox after all of the hotdogs that they have been eating over the Easter holiday.

Haakon playing at the cabin

Mar and Sigur at the cabin

Marius after too much sugar

Aase and Haakon

All of the boys at the cabin

Aase and I were outnumbered up there!

Haakon at the cabin


Frode and his dad at the cabin

Haakon up at the cabin

Marius sawing a branch up at the cabin

Marius in a tree

I don't let him go too high since the last time he fell out of a tree and knocked his front tooth back.

Anders on Haakon's tractor

Haakon was wheeling Anders around in his tractor

Anders playing in the yard

Haakon and Anders in the sandbox

Frode and Anders putting the grill together

I am sure that Anders was quite the help!

Haakon playing in the yard

Marius helping me in the garden

Yes, we do have flowers. It is pretty amazing. It was 60F yesterday!

Anders part construction worker and pirate

Anders loving being outside

He really does love three things: his mom, food, and being outside.

Tons of boy stuff happening at this cabin adventure

Anders, pretty cool to eat all by yourself

Anders hanging out at a friends cabin

Marius excited about skiing

Mar coming in for lunch

Haakon ready for lunch

Haakon, a little happier at bedtime

Anders at bedtime

Marius and the t-rex

Anders and a newly found hat

Marius and his belly