Sunday, March 22, 2009

Haakon found the face paint

Now, he can have an authenic moustache. Green is the color of choice to match the sweater that I am making for him.

Half of Darth Vader

He doesn't like the facemask for this costume.

Haakon and a ticked off bee

The bee

Anders loves pancakes with jam

This was bathworthy afterward.

Anders the Builder

Anders looking forward to summer

He loves to be without clothes. I will be glad when he can and not freeze to death in our house.

6 pm and BarnaTV has just started

Now, I can check my email.

Anders and I out for a walk

Here is one of the few pics of me, but I am usually never without Anders.

Haakon out for a ski

I am worried that he will be better than me skiing in the next few years.

Haakon's artistic shot

Haakon wants to take pics quite a bit. Mom, I thought that you would be proud of this one.

The cool dude

Anders seems to be all about costumes right now.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Marius as a pirate

Bathtime at our house

I think that we need a bigger tub!

Norwegian books

They wanted to show folks in American norwegian kids books. The most popular being the one that Haakon has, Kaptein Sabeltann.

The latest and greatest thrill

It scares me to death and I need to buy each of them some helmets.

Picture of some of the fields and forests on our land

The view of Frode's parents farm

Frode took this from our driveway. It was a great day outside.