Sunday, December 13, 2009

marius rockin

Anders making a mess

while we bake cookies. He is still sick so he wasn't allowed to help today.

Marius baking cookies

Haakon baking christmas cookies

Haakon rappin

Anders working with drills

Marius and Anders

Anders on the drums and Mar on guitar

Marius on the guitar

Marius' rock concert

Haakon of course outdoing his brother


trying to organize his artwork, but he ended up seeing how long his tongue was

Haakon making candles

for he and Anders

Marius making candles

Anders building a bird house

Marius on the old tractor

On the old tractors at the museum


I wasn't moving quickly enough for him.

Making pepperkake

Haakon enjoying

his coco

Boys having coco

at the museum

People singing around the xmas tree

Egge Museum

Haakon making julenissen.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


still enjoying his birthday crown. He has been going around singing either Happy Birthday or Gratulerer med dagen for this last week

Hair gel

Haakon has now found hair gel. He says that he wants to use it before he goes to school. It has begun!

Mar and Anders

psyched about candy!


loved Halloween. He kepted asking for more candy!

Walking around

to get candy. We have the power turned off in this building so everything was lit by candles

In our haunted house

we had our own little Halloween as Frode is in Sweden

Our haunted house

More rockin by Mar and Anders

Rock concert last weekend

Our pumpkins outside

we lit them, but you can't see it from this pic

Anders, the tiger taking batman

Getting excited for Halloween

two weeks early


Final pumpkin products

Getting along

I thought that I would take a pic of this rare moment

boys working on cleaning out the pumpkins

Anders thankfully was taking his nap

Haakon and his pumpkin

Marius cleaning out his pumpkin

A fierce batman

by Haakon


Anders knee dancing

He seemed to think that this was a riot!

Anders after a bath

He keeps getting bigger

Haakons new plow

Friday, September 11, 2009

Our new windows

New windows and insulation in the roof. I hope that the house is warmer this winter!

Anders constructing

One of the currant berry bushes

The cherry tree

Haakon and Anders

talking about the next construction move.