Saturday, October 25, 2008

Anders hanging by the sandbox

I am not sure how much sand he really ingested.

Anders supervising fall clean up

Anders making sure that we were all working.

Marius at work

Marius was also helpful.

Haakon hard at work

Haakon was helping rake up the leaves. I didn't realize how many trees we had in our yard.

Anders getting into trouble

Here is Anders. He is everywhere right now. His favorite things are the trash can, recycle and taking all of my pots and pans out.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Superman and Spiderman

Here they are again the superheroes


Haakon will be the norwegian version of Superman.


Here is a little picture of Anders. He is soon one.

The superheroes

Here are the big boys

Gettting ready for Halloween

We have costumes, but we are still looking to get some pumpkins.

Boys wrestling

Here are the boys wrestling around the toy boxes


Anders is getting into stuff in the kitchen. I must have picked up the kitchen about 10 times that day.

Haakon and Anders

Here are the brothers!

Another picture of Mar

Another picture of mAR

Another picture of mAR

Marius and Frode

Frode just came home and the boys were stoked to see him.