Saturday, August 9, 2008

Baby Anders

Here is little Anders hanging out with his loader contemplating eating a stick. I still am not sure how much grass he really eats.

Haakon in his tractor

We have tractors for both of the kids that they can ride. This seems to be the favorite toy for most of the boys in this area. I think that almost every house has a little tractor sitting in their yard. Here is our little farmer!

After a bath

My boys asked to have their hair dried. We don't have a hairdryer here so, this is how we did it. I am sure when they get older they will hate this picture.

Anders on a sunny day

Here is Anders eating one of his most favorite food, kjeks. He seems to love the food here.

Raspberry picking

This week we have been really into berry picking. We picked some raspberries in our yard. We also have some other yummy berries in our yard, but I don't know what they are in English.

Marius after Blueberry picking

Here is Marius. I know that all of his are in his tummy.

Blueberry picking

Here is Haakon after blueberry picking. I think that most of them are now in his tummy.