Sunday, November 30, 2008

Anders hanging out on Sunday

Big boys hanging out on Sunday morning

Here are the boys and they are not fighing which is pretty amazing right now so I had to get a picture of it.

New wood stove

Here it is and it works!

Anders helping with the stove replacement

Replacing the wood stove

Here is the terribly ugly, old and over just bad wood stove.

Anders helping around the house

Winter wonderland

Last week we got about two feet of snow. Here is a picture I took during my ski.

Here is Marius!

Frode and Anders in the cabin

Anders caught a ride in the skipulk. I have to say that he is getting really heavy or I am super out of shape!

Hanging out in the cabin

We skied into the cabin last weekend. It was great!

Friday, November 21, 2008


After skiing they had a little wrestling match

The big boys

The boys out for a ski.They raced on and off today.

Anders and mama skiing

Here we are. It was a great day to be out!

The house

It is a winter wonderland here!

Poor cows

They are getting the cows in the barn today.

Haakon in a ski race

Well, not really! He is trying to be like the big skiers here.


Marius skiing

Here is Mar. He has gotten a ton better than last year. He did three loops so that's about 3K.

Haakon - skiing in the first snow

Here is Haakon. Frode groomed a small track for the boys to ski on

Haakon and Marius - the pirates

Here they are. I am not sure that pirates show their bellies, but Mar felt that it was extra scary!

Haakon the pirate

Haakon is into pirates and drawing pirate ships.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Some of our decorations

Aase celebrating Halloween

She looks great!

Anders celebrating Halloween

He can now moo like a cow

The cousins celebrating

Haakon and Sigurd

Tricker treating

Norwegian vikings celebratin Halloween

We had a tricker treating party at our house. It was loud and fun for all!

Haakon getting ready for our halloween party

Haakon made a bunch of pumpkins for our big halloween party!

Anders opening his presents

He had some help from his brothers

Anders and Shawn's big birthday bash

Anders just turned one and I turned, holy cow, 40!

Haakon and Anders playing

Haakon's pumpkin

We found pumpkins

Haakon being festive

Haakon with his spiders.

Marius being festive

He loves the little bats!

Getting ready for Halloween

Here are the boys with goodies from the US. There is not a ton of Halloween stuff in Norway.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Anders hanging by the sandbox

I am not sure how much sand he really ingested.

Anders supervising fall clean up

Anders making sure that we were all working.

Marius at work

Marius was also helpful.

Haakon hard at work

Haakon was helping rake up the leaves. I didn't realize how many trees we had in our yard.

Anders getting into trouble

Here is Anders. He is everywhere right now. His favorite things are the trash can, recycle and taking all of my pots and pans out.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Superman and Spiderman

Here they are again the superheroes


Haakon will be the norwegian version of Superman.


Here is a little picture of Anders. He is soon one.

The superheroes

Here are the big boys

Gettting ready for Halloween

We have costumes, but we are still looking to get some pumpkins.

Boys wrestling

Here are the boys wrestling around the toy boxes


Anders is getting into stuff in the kitchen. I must have picked up the kitchen about 10 times that day.

Haakon and Anders

Here are the brothers!

Another picture of Mar